Effects Of Alcohol And Cholesterol Metabolism

Drinking alcohol and cholesterol levels - what’s the connection?

There are many people who enjoy drinking alcohol. However, some of these people have high cholesterol. Numerous studies have been carried out to research for the connection between drinking alcohol and high cholesterol levels.

It is a proven fact that people who drink moderate amounts of alcohol will suffer from fewer cardiac complications. According to some studies, the risk is reduced by 25% to 40% in some people.

However, there exist the other side of the medallion. The excessive drinking of alcohol is bad for the organism, especially for the people who have high cholesterol problems.

Some people assure themselves and the others that they can perfectly control the amount of alcoholic drinks. However, the fact is that if you make it a habit, you won't be able to count the alcoholic glasses anymore. The final result is

Cholesterol Alcohol-Addicttion

Cholesterol may worsen the lipid profile, when people drink everyday more than 50ml of alcohol, and therefore, it increases the risk for cardiac complications in people who have elevated cholesterol levels or put at risk those who do not have high cholesterol problems.

Lipid profile is changed because of Alcohol and cholesterol levels will go up

The excessive drinking of alcohol leads to increase in the cholesterol levels. It is estimated that triglyceride levels go up, also. Unlike, moderate consumption of alcohol, which improves the lipid profile, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol will not help you improve your lipid profile at all. Up to 50 ml/day is the limit allowed in the patients who have a good lipid profile.

It is estimated that moderate consumption of alcohol increases the levels of the “good” cholesterol- HDL. However, the levels of LDL- the “bad” cholesterol are not lowered but on the contrary, they may go up after 6 months of continuous drinking of alcohol.

Alcohol increases the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Since HDL collects the cholesterol from the arteries and transports them to the liver, this acceleration is beneficial for the organism up to a point.

Drinking a lot of alcohol on daily bases will worsen your lipid even faster. Your triglycerides levels will go up very fast and the LDL levels will stay high. If you have elevated cholesterol levels, it is not recommended that you continue your habit of drinking.

The reason for this is simple, there is an increased decomposition of fats and that’s why the levels of triglycerides and LDL go up. However, the organism does not have the power to produce enough HDL to deal with that increased metabolism.

Alcohol and cholesterol lowering drugs

  • Alcohol is an enemy of all cholesterol drugs. Alcohol could damage your liver. Liver is the place, where these drugs are transformed and prepared to be thrown away from the body. If the alcohol damages the liver, these drugs will not be able to exit the human body and they will damage it, instead of helping it. That’s why you need to limit the intake of alcohol, when you are on a therapy with cholesterol reducing drugs.
  • In addition, if you drink alcohol with cholesterol drugs, it is most likely that you will experience many of the side effects of drugs. Dizziness and drowsiness are just some of the side effects, which you will experience really soon after the consumption of alcohol.
  • Alcohol could block the re-absorption of some drugs in the stomach or in the intestines. It is important to talk to your doctor, if you intend to take alcohol and cholesterol reducing pills at the same time. The unabsorbed drugs will not work on you and therefore, there won’t be any effect of the treatment, prescribed by the physician. 



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